Is there a cancellation fee or No Show fee?

  • Cancellation is free of charge up to 48h before the start of the rental day. 
  • If you cancel your reservation less than 48h before the pick up date and time, a fee of 50 EUR (or equivalent in your destination country currency) , or the entire price of rental if value is lower, will be charged. 
  • No Show fees : If you fail to collect the vehicle in due time, and have not canceled, a fee of 95 EUR (depending on local currency), or the whole price of rental if value is lower, will be charged.

Example : 

You booked a car for the 10 of June at 2PM. You would like to cancel the rental. 

To cancel free of charges : The vehicle must be cancelled at 13:59 on 8th June or before.

To have more details: Please refer to the Terms and Conditions of online booking, by clicking here

This amount will be charged either in local currency or in your card billing currency, where applicable and at the exchange rate and conditions valid at time of transaction.

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